node = nodes.find(item.type.lowercase === “play3daudioforallplayers")
${k} (${v})``)node.has_execution_flow
)Welcome to the official r/forge discord! We exist to help others become the best forger they possible can. Whether you want to make a simple map or script an entire game mode, we are here to help.
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import { SubmissionStream, CommentStream } from "snoostorm";
import Snoowrap from "snoowrap";
import 'dotenv/config'
const credentials = {
"userAgent": "automod-Forge-Monitor:v0.0.1",
"clientId": process.env.R_CLIENT_ID,
"clientSecret": process.env.R_CLIENT_SECRET,
"username": process.env.R_USERNAME,
"password": process.env.R_PASSWORD
const client = new Snoowrap(credentials)
const BOT_START = / 1000
const forge = { subreddit: "forge", limit: 50, pollTime: 3000 }
const forgescripting = { subreddit: "forgescripting", limit: 50, pollTime: 3000 }
new SubmissionStream(client, forge).on('item', (post) => {
if (post.created_utc < BOT_START) return
new CommentStream(client, forge).on("item", (comment) => {
if (comment.created_utc < BOT_START) return
class ForgeBot {
static flairText =
no_flair: "",
scripting_help: ""
static header = ""
static footer = "***\\n^Join ^our ^discord ^[](here)!."
static reply(post) {
//const postText = post.selftext_html
const postFlair = post.flair
let flairResponse = flairText[postFlair]
if(postFlair === "") {
flairResponse = "Please use a flair on your post"
} else if(flairResponse === null) {
flairResponse = `(Unknown flair: ${postFlair}. Please report this to the admins.)`
return `${this.header}\\n\\n${flairResponse}\\n\\n${this.footer}`
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